New nova Session “Biomass feedstocks today and in the future – going beyond food vs. fuel” The nova Session “Biomass feedstocks today and in the future” will discuss the issue of industrial use of biomass at all levels: political frameworks and the food vs. non-food debate, environmental impacts, public perception and communication and the current and future biomass supply and demand.
Topics are among others:
Myths and facts about food and non-food crops for industry
A differentiated approach to finding the most suitable biomass for industry
What will happen after the end of the sugar régime in 2017?
Sustainability of food and non-food biomass
How to shape good communication about the use of food-crops for chemicals and plastics between industry and the public?
How is biomass supply and demand balanced today?
What are the biomass potentials in the world by 2050?
Which assumptions are underlying those supply and demand scenarios?
Which technology trends will influence the supply situation the most?
Using these scenarios for your company, association or NGO
More information, preliminary programme, and registration at
The nova Session on biomass feedstocks today and in the future will take place on 30 June 2016 at the Airport Cologne/Bonn. The number of participants is limited (max. 20 people). Places will be offered on a ‘first-come – first-serve’ basis. Source: nova-Institut GmbH