We invite you to join our next forum on the topic of “Bio-based Polymers for Textiles” on 06 June 2019 from 14:15 – 17:00 h in Düsseldorf, RWI.4, Völklinger Str. 4, Düsseldorf. We organise this workshop in the frame of the BIOPEN project, to present and elaborate on a perspective study prepared by project partners. Confirmed speakers are:
BIOPEN Perspective Studies Dr. Tatjana Schwabe, CLIB2021
Bio-based polymers for textiles: a snapshot of status – trends — markets Dr. Ir. Willem Sederel, Biobased Delta
Innovative, sustainable and bio-based polyurethane dispersions for coated textiles Thomas Michaelis, Covestro
Biopolymers — More than green? Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunnar Seide, Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials, Maastricht University
The presentations will be followed by a discussion about the potential of bio-based polymers for textiles. We would like to elaborate on the perspective studies and want to create networking opportunities in view of fostering cross-sector and cross-national collaborations and generating co-innovation projects. The BIOPEN project and outcomes will also be presented. Please find the preliminary programme attached. Participation is free, please register by 31 May on our Eventbrite site: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/biopen-workshop-bio-based-polymers-for-textiles-tickets-61625823497 Source: CLIB-Cluster