IBB Netzwerk GmbH was appointed as Cluster Office of the new cluster platform “Industrial Biotechnology” by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy in January 2020. Through this responsibility, we are an official interface among businesses, science and politics in the field of sustainable economy in Southern Germany.
Within the cluster, diverse fields find the basis and ideas for future-oriented developments. The fields comprise Biotech-companies, research institutes, companies from engineering, automotive, aviation, chemistry and lubricants as well as from paper, adhesive and environmental technologies, nano-biotechnology, bioinformatics and many more.

For questions, suggestions or information about the Industrial Biotechnology Cluster, please contact our Cluster Manager Laura Mayrock.

Laura Mayrock
What is included in a free cluster membership?
Short profile
You receive a short profile that is publicly available and that contains your business/institution name, your logo, and your address with website and email address. In your profile, you can present details on your business activities and services and assign individual slogans describing your core competences. Our search functions allow an easy access of expertise, technologies and individual search terms of all members.
Cluster Logo
Cluster members can use the cluster logo containing the slogan “Partner of Cluster Industrial Biotechnology” for the company’s own advertisement purposes.
As cluster office we manage and maintain the cluster by organizing meetings, supporting the exchange of ideas as well as processing and distributing information regarding relevant market, trend and legal developments. We take care of the cluster’s constant growth by acquiring relevant cooperation partners.
Technology Transfer
Being the contact point for R&D projects as well as for start-ups and settlement projects, we inform neutrally and generally, e.g., on funding and finance opportunities. In addition, we support the conceptualization and implementation of tangible funding applications within the range of a service contract.
Public Relation
The cluster provides a greater visibility and external perception of its individual members and the entire field. Public relation measures are realized for instance via electronic media and specific communication activities, by organizing special events as well as by (re)presentation of the Industrial Biotechnology at conferences, fairs or in the press.
Dialogue Politics & Business
By being a cluster member, you benefit from our efforts for a consistent and valuable dialogue between business and politics targeting the industrial biotechnology and sustainable economy.
Become a member
You want to be part of our cluster community? Apply for your membership via the application form. Signing the non-disclosure agreement is voluntary.
Cluster Speaker
The cluster spokesmen represent the Cluster Industrial Biotechnology. They advise and support us in our work as cluster office.

Prof. Dr. Volker Sieber

Dr. Günter von Au
Prof. Sieber studied chemistry at the University of Bayreuth and University of Delaware. Following his doctorate at University of Bayreuth, he joined Nobel Laureate (2018) Prof. Frances H. Arnold at the California Institute of Technology as research fellow. From 2001 to 2008, he held several positions in the chemicals industry at Degussa and Süd-Chemie. Since 2008, he is full professor of the chair Chemistry of Biogenic Resources at Technical University Munich. In parallel since 2009, he has built up the Fraunhofer Institute’s branch BioCat, which he currently directs. In addition, he is founding rector of the TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability, the fourth site of the Technical University Munich, which opened in 2017. Since 2015, Prof. Sieber has been one of the founding members of the Bioeconomy council for the government of the Free State of Bavaria and acted at its spokesperson between 2018 and 2021. The campus is dedicated to the bio-based industrial biotechnology, a core technology of the 21st century, as well as of the bioeconomy.
Dr. von Au studied textiles and synthetic chemistry at the Technical College Reutlingen and chemistry at the University of Tübingen, where he finished his doctorate in 1980. In the following, he assumed diverse global positions within the Wacker-Chemie AG (Burghausen, Munich, USA, Brazil). Before leaving the company in 2001, Dr. von Au was Head of the division Polymers, Specialty Chemistry and Biochemistry as well as CEO of Wacker Polymer GmbH. In 2001, he became president and CEO of Süd-Chemie Inc., Louisville, USA. Three years later, he took over the position of Süd-Chemie AG’s CEO in Munich until March 31, 2012. In 2012, Dr. von Au became Vice President of the Board of Directors at Clariant AG. Since April 1, 2021, he holds the presidency of Clariant’s Board of Directors. In addition, he assumes positions as chairman of Advisory and Supervisory Boards in diverse family and private equity owned corporations.
Cluster Members
The Cluster Industrial Biotechnology comprises more than 170 members from multifaceted fields, committed to the advancement of industrial biotechnology. You can search for possible partners, products, services and competences in our member database with the corresponding filter functions.