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IBB Net­zwerk GmbH was appoin­ted as Cluster Office of the new cluster plat­form Indus­tri­al Bio­tech­no­logy” by the Bav­ari­an Min­istry of Eco­nom­ic Affairs, Region­al Devel­op­ment and Energy in Janu­ary 2020. Through this respons­ib­il­ity, we are an offi­cial inter­face among busi­nesses, sci­ence and polit­ics in the field of sus­tain­able eco­nomy in South­ern Germany.

With­in the cluster, diverse fields find the basis and ideas for future-ori­ented devel­op­ments. The fields com­prise Biotech-com­pan­ies, research insti­tutes, com­pan­ies from engin­eer­ing, auto­mot­ive, avi­ation, chem­istry and lub­ric­ants as well as from paper, adhes­ive and envir­on­ment­al tech­no­lo­gies, nano-bio­tech­no­logy, bioin­form­at­ics and many more.

For ques­tions, sug­ges­tions or inform­a­tion about the Indus­tri­al Bio­tech­no­logy Cluster, please con­tact our Cluster Man­ager Laura Mayrock.

What is included in a free cluster membership?

Short pro­file

You receive a short pro­file that is pub­licly avail­able and that con­tains your business/​institution name, your logo, and your address with web­site and email address. In your pro­file, you can present details on your busi­ness activ­it­ies and ser­vices and assign indi­vidu­al slo­gans describ­ing your core com­pet­ences. Our search func­tions allow an easy access of expert­ise, tech­no­lo­gies and indi­vidu­al search terms of all members.

Cluster Logo

Cluster mem­bers can use the cluster logo con­tain­ing the slo­gan Part­ner of Cluster Indus­tri­al Bio­tech­no­logy” for the company’s own advert­ise­ment purposes.


As cluster office we man­age and main­tain the cluster by organ­iz­ing meet­ings, sup­port­ing the exchange of ideas as well as pro­cessing and dis­trib­ut­ing inform­a­tion regard­ing rel­ev­ant mar­ket, trend and leg­al devel­op­ments. We take care of the cluster’s con­stant growth by acquir­ing rel­ev­ant cooper­a­tion partners.

Tech­no­logy Transfer

Being the con­tact point for R&D pro­jects as well as for start-ups and set­tle­ment pro­jects, we inform neut­rally and gen­er­ally, e.g., on fund­ing and fin­ance oppor­tun­it­ies. In addi­tion, we sup­port the con­cep­tu­al­iz­a­tion and imple­ment­a­tion of tan­gible fund­ing applic­a­tions with­in the range of a ser­vice con­tract.

Pub­lic Relation

The cluster provides a great­er vis­ib­il­ity and extern­al per­cep­tion of its indi­vidu­al mem­bers and the entire field. Pub­lic rela­tion meas­ures are real­ized for instance via elec­tron­ic media and spe­cif­ic com­mu­nic­a­tion activ­it­ies, by organ­iz­ing spe­cial events as well as by (re)presentation of the Indus­tri­al Bio­tech­no­logy at con­fer­ences, fairs or in the press. 

Dia­logue Polit­ics & Business

By being a cluster mem­ber, you bene­fit from our efforts for a con­sist­ent and valu­able dia­logue between busi­ness and polit­ics tar­get­ing the indus­tri­al bio­tech­no­logy and sus­tain­able economy. 

Become a member

You want to be part of our cluster com­munity? Apply for your mem­ber­ship via the applic­a­tion form. Sign­ing the non-dis­clos­ure agree­ment is voluntary.

Cluster Speak­er

The cluster spokes­men rep­res­ent the Cluster Indus­tri­al Bio­tech­no­logy. They advise and sup­port us in our work as cluster office.

Prof. Dr. Volk­er Sieber

Cluster Spokes­man and Mem­ber of Förderver­ein Indus­tri­elle Bio­tech­no­lo­gie Bay­ern e.V.

Dr. Günter von Au

Cluster Spokes­man and Hon­or­ary Mem­ber of Förderver­ein Indus­tri­elle Bio­tech­no­lo­gie Bay­ern e.V.

Prof. Sieber stud­ied chem­istry at the Uni­ver­sity of Bayreuth and Uni­ver­sity of Delaware. Fol­low­ing his doc­tor­ate at Uni­ver­sity of Bayreuth, he joined Nobel Laur­eate (2018) Prof. Frances H. Arnold at the Cali­for­nia Insti­tute of Tech­no­logy as research fel­low. From 2001 to 2008, he held sev­er­al pos­i­tions in the chem­ic­als industry at Degussa and Süd-Chemie. Since 2008, he is full pro­fess­or of the chair Chem­istry of Bio­gen­ic Resources at Tech­nic­al Uni­ver­sity Munich. In par­al­lel since 2009, he has built up the Fraunhofer Institute’s branch BioCat, which he cur­rently dir­ects. In addi­tion, he is found­ing rect­or of the TUM Cam­pus Straub­ing for Bio­tech­no­logy and Sus­tain­ab­il­ity, the fourth site of the Tech­nic­al Uni­ver­sity Munich, which opened in 2017. Since 2015, Prof. Sie­ber has been one of the foun­ding mem­bers of the Bi­o­e­co­no­my coun­cil for the go­vern­ment of the Free State of Ba­va­r­ia and ac­ted at its spokes­per­son bet­ween 2018 and 2021. The cam­pus is ded­ic­ated to the bio-based indus­tri­al bio­tech­no­logy, a core tech­no­logy of the 21st cen­tury, as well as of the bioeconomy.

Dr. von Au stud­ied tex­tiles and syn­thet­ic chem­istry at the Tech­nic­al Col­lege Reut­lingen and chem­istry at the Uni­ver­sity of Tübin­gen, where he fin­ished his doc­tor­ate in 1980. In the fol­low­ing, he assumed diverse glob­al pos­i­tions with­in the Wack­er-Chemie AG (Burghausen, Munich, USA, Brazil). Before leav­ing the com­pany in 2001, Dr. von Au was Head of the divi­sion Poly­mers, Spe­cialty Chem­istry and Bio­chem­istry as well as CEO of Wack­er Poly­mer GmbH. In 2001, he became pres­id­ent and CEO of Süd-Chemie Inc., Louis­ville, USA. Three years later, he took over the pos­i­tion of Süd-Chemie AG’s CEO in Munich until March 31, 2012. In 2012, Dr. von Au became Vice Pres­id­ent of the Board of Dir­ect­ors at Clari­ant AG. Since April 1, 2021, he holds the pres­id­ency of Clariant’s Board of Dir­ect­ors. In addi­tion, he assumes pos­i­tions as chair­man of Advis­ory and Super­vis­ory Boards in diverse fam­ily and private equity owned corporations. 

Cluster Mem­bers

The Cluster Indus­tri­al Bio­tech­no­logy com­prises more than 170 mem­bers from mul­ti­fa­ceted fields, com­mit­ted to the advance­ment of indus­tri­al bio­tech­no­logy. You can search for pos­sible part­ners, products, ser­vices and com­pet­ences in our mem­ber data­base with the cor­res­pond­ing fil­ter functions. 

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Results: 184