From 1 to 2 February 2022, the CLIB International Conference will take place at the Lindner Congress Hotel in Düsseldorf. Under the title “Technologies for a bio-industrial ®evolution” we will discuss with you how bio‑, information- and production-technology will change and revolutionise industry in the coming years.
The biological transformation of industry is still in its infancy, but it will fundamentally change the way we produce in the coming years. This does not only concern the conversion of the raw material base from fossil to renewable resources, which is an enormous change in itself. Product design and production processes will also change to meet the demands for sustainable and climate-neutral products.
The following topics will be addressed:
Synthetic biology and enzyme development
Impact of AI and big data on biotech advances
Optimising biotech processes in large and small scale
Next generation process concepts
Sustainability and circularity in biotechnological processes
Young innovations emerging from academic research: Final of the G‑BiB competition
Until 31.12.21 you can profit from 10% early bird discount! Register here!