Global Bioenergies greets the French parliament’s proposal aiming to promote a French bio-jet fuel industry
Members of Parliament have begun to review the draft Mobility Orientation Law. Several senators wanted air transport to be addressed in the text. Among the various options that have emerged to create a more environmentally friendly air transport, biofuels are now considered as a central solution. The government has already launched a French roadmap for bio-jet fuel, and at the closing of the “National Conference on air transportation”, the Minister gave the prospect of 2% bio-jet fuel in air transportation by 2025. The implementation of an on-demand support mechanism to ensure that a durable market emerges is mentioned as a prerequisite for this development. We are therefore calling on the government to specify the practical procedures tied to this support in order to instil the confidence of all the economic actors. Bernard Chaud, Director of Industrial Strategy at Global Bioenergies, said: “Our innovative solution is in sync with the principles of the circular economy. Production plants in rural areas would make it possible to directly supply multiple nearby airports, create hundreds of jobs, guarantee additional outlets for agricultural industries residues and for lignocellulosic biomass residues, and, in that way, revitalise part of the country. There are many challenges, and the economic actors need to feel confident if they are to continue investing in and building these plants; we are eager to learn the practical details of the public support for the promotion of this industry.” Marc Delcourt, CEO of Global Bioenergies, said: “France is well positioned in this slot. Last year, Norway instituted the first bio-kerosene mandate in the world. This topic is also under discussion in Sweden and Spain. In the near future, all of Europe will be shifting to using bio-kerosene in civil aviation.” Source: Global Bioenergies, press release, 13.03.2019