This call is aimed at projects that will begin in September (or earlier) and produce meaningful results within 2016. EnCO2re will add new workstreams in the second half of 2016. So we are looking for:
Projects related to any element of the CO2 value chain, from capture to conversion, and logistics.
Organizations that bring industrial and/or start-up perspectives with pathways to commercialization.
Technologies and demonstrations for CO2-based products, especially intermediates and polymers.
Business-model innovations that support the development of a CO2 re-use value chain.
Other innovations, including incentives, that advance progress toward large-scale re-use.
The call is structured in two phases. The first phase requests a short Expression of Interest using a common template by 27 May. In the Call profile you can find details on the call. You will find some help in the instructions for Expression of Interest. If your ideas meet our interests and requirements you will be invited soon after 10 June to hand in a full proposal by 1 July. Because we are an open innovation programme and would like to be as inclusive as possible, we urge all parties interested in joining enCO2re to submit an Expression of Interest, even if they do not have a project that can begin in 2016. Submissions should be emailed to ted.grozier(at) Source: EIT Climate-KIC