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Our Ser­vices

As a net­work and ser­vice enter­prise, we offer a range of spe­cial field expert­ise as well as extens­ive exper­i­ence in order to real­ize your pro­ject and net­work ideas, mar­ket­ing cam­paigns and events – or whatever you have on your mind:


  • We cre­ate and man­age privately and pub­licly fun­ded net­works with spe­cif­ic focus, e.g., biopoly­mers, indus­tri­al pro­teins, digit­iz­a­tion of bio­tech­no­logy, sus­tain­able energy pro­duc­tion and many more.
  • We con­nect our net­work mem­bers among each oth­er and extern­al partners.
  • We sup­port exist­ing net­works admin­is­trat­ively and subject-specific.
  • We rep­res­ent our mem­bers, their products and pro­cesses, and net­works at con­fer­ences and fairs.
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Pro­ject Development

  • We sup­port the cre­ation of pro­ject con­sor­tia, includ­ing its iden­ti­fic­a­tion and acquis­i­tion of poten­tial part­ners as well as the organ­iz­a­tion of pro­ject meetings.
  • We provide input to drafts and pro­pos­als for fund­ing applic­a­tions, we find the match­ing fund­ing instru­ments and are the inter­face between part­ners and the cor­res­pond­ing lead partner.
  • We can take over spe­cial­ized tasks with­in a pro­ject, e.g., admin­is­trat­ive pro­ject man­age­ment, ded­ic­ated com­mu­nic­a­tion meas­ures and many more.
Start your project now


  • We write press state­ments and pub­lish them on a press portal with wide cov­er­age. We also help to draft magazine or journ­al articles.
  • If your idea meets the tech­nic­al con­text, we can provide you with a spot­light pos­i­tion for advert­ise­ment on our web­site, e.g., by post­ing a ban­ner or ad on the land­ing page.
  • We organ­ize events, e.g., work­shops with your poten­tial cli­ents, advanced train­ing or webinars.
  • Depend­ing on your reques­ted event format, we offer diverse present­a­tion modes, e.g., joint or indi­vidu­al booths, talk and spon­sor­ing oppor­tun­it­ies, dis­play of advert­ise­ment and many more. 
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  • We rep­res­ent the mar­ket stake­hold­ers’ interests who are act­ive in the field of indus­tri­al bio­tech­no­logy and sus­tain­able economy.
  • We devel­op pro­found and polit­ic­al rel­ev­ant dis­cus­sion or pos­i­tion papers based on our long­stand­ing expert­ise and dis­trib­ute them accordingly.
  • We organ­ize polit­ic­al events on spe­cif­ic top­ics, e.g., par­lia­ment­ary events or break­fast meetings.
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Tailored Ser­vices

You did not find what you have been look­ing for? We offer tailored ser­vices. Please get in touch with us!

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