Power2Gas Conference
17. ‐ 18. Okt. 2018
Site visit
On 16th October our participants will have a chance to visit the the world’s biggest biomethanation plant: The 1 MWe BioCat plant located at the Biogas Park Avedore, near Copenhagen. The plant is maintained and operated by Electrochaea (IBB network member). It was built during the BioCat Project ( and has been running successfully since April 2016.Electrochaea has developed a commercially viable and disruptive solution for utility-scale energy storage, grid balancing, and carbon reuse. The company’s proprietary process converts low-cost and stranded electricity and carbon dioxide into pipeline-grade renewable gas for direct injection into the existing natural gas grid, a conversion process known as “power-to-gas”. The core of Electrochaea’s power-to-gas system is a selectively evolved microorganism — a methanogenic archaea — that excels through unprecedented catalytic ability and industrial robustness. The technical advantages of this biocatalyst enable the company’s patented BioCat methanation technology to operate at lower capital and operating costs and with greater flexibility than conventional thermochemical methanation processes. The site visit is free of charge but spaces are limited and booked on first-come, first-served basis. Please contact us on to book your space for the tour. For more information, please visit: