Originally funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs’ ZIM-cooperation network, “UseCO2” has the goal to utilize carbon dioxide instead of fossil feedstock, such as crude oil and natural gas, as starting material for sustainable products. The participants develop technologies to fix CO2 from industry emission and from the atmosphere to transform them into basic chemicals. This way, everyday products are produced, such as synthetic fibers, lubricants, adhesives, plastics or even fuels. Compared to their equivalents made of crude oil, these products have a lower “CO2-footprint” or are totally CO2-neutral. Using CO2 with the aid of microorganisms, plants, algae or physico-chemical synthesis are not only climate-friendly but also sustainable. The network intends to deliver solutions through developing new technologies and products in order to become independent from available crude oil or fluctuating crude oil prices. Hence, the network supports transforming our crude oil-based society into a sustainable one.
Former R&D‑Partners: bbi-biotech, plan-bee, provenion, Romex RPG, TUM — Industrial Biocatalysis, Universität Bayreuth — Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry II
A research team from the University of Freiburg led by biochemist Prof. Dr. Oliver Einsle has discovered how the “Shethna protein II” protects the nitrogen-binding enzyme nitrogenase from damage.
Defossilising the chemicals and derived materials sector is a critical and urgent challenge for industrialisation and delivering the EU’s goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050.