The Bayerische Forschungsallianz GmbH comprehensively consults and supports Bavarian actors from science and business to acquire European funding aiming to further develop Bavaria as a location for science and innovation in the European research area. The focus is on the latest research framework (7thFRP, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe). The scientific departments support with expert information, strategic consulting, and actively foster project initiations, the set-up of international research consortia, application preparation, contract negotiation with the European Commission and subsequent project management. BayFOR’s EU-liaison office in Brussels represents the interests of Bavarian R&D actors directly on site, strengthens their visibility and is also a contact mediator with the European institutions. Being a member of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), BayFOR offers targeted consulting and support for Bavarian companies – especially SMEs – interested in participating in EU research projects. BayFOR is a partner organization of the Bavarian House of Research ( and is funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs.